Douai Abbey Oblates

Oblates are men and women who seek to live their lives under the inspiration of the Rule of St Benedict.

The Rule of St Benedict

The Rule of St Benedict has inspired the lives of Christian women and men for fifteen centuries. Besides those who live in monasteries there are countless others: married and single, cleric and lay, those who live 'in the world.’ They all find inspiration in St Benedict's Rule and become Benedictine Oblates.

The Rule, characterised as it is by moderation and humanity, becomes their guide in life.
Its opening words,

"Listen, my son, to the instructions of your master,
turn the ear of your heart to the advice of a loving father"

are an invitation to everyone.

The Rule offers a way of life for all "who seek God" and "yearn for life". The key to this life is "moderation in all things"; St Benedict invites us to an integrated life.


Benedictine Spirituality

Oblates undertake to seek God by the daily living of the threefold Benedictine spirituality



  • help bring Christ into their world, their homes and work places.
  • always remain fully committed members of their parishes or churches.
  • are affiliated to a particular monastery and become part of the community's extended family, giving each other mutual support in prayer and other ways.
  • keep in contact with the monastery, through visits, if they live close enough, and by e-mail or post.
  • aim to make a retreat at least once a year.


Becoming an Oblate

The process of becoming an Oblate parallels that of becoming a monk:

  • first a period of discernment,
  • then a novitiate of a year or more
  • before asking to make oblation.


If you are interested in the possibility of becoming an oblate of Douai
or would like more details, please contact the Oblate Director Fr. Gervase by email on


Douai Abbey Oblates

Oblates of Douai Abbey regularly meet at local chapter groups. There are currently five local chapters:

  • the Julian Chapter meets in Norfolk,
  • the Wulstan Chapter meets in Warwickshire
  • the Faringdon Chapter meets in Berkshire
  • the Erkonwald Chapter meets in London.
  • The Ambrose Barlow Chapter meets in Ormskirk